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Moto assistant PLUS


Let’s Moto assistant create statistics for time periods you’re interested in. No pen or paper needed. Only one smart assistant.

And in the same easy way you can export it or print it out.


Upgrade boring numbers and statistics to graphs. Gain clarity. Check your car’s consumption, watch fuel price development, compare all vehicle’s consumption side by side, track the time all drivers spent on roads and a lot more.

Whatever you need to know, it is only a few clicks away.


Every vehicle is about expenses. Sometimes we wish to don’t know all the money we spent. If you change your mind and want to know your expenses, bet on Moto assistant. With his help expense tracking will become easy and painless.


If you also need to track your incomes, Moto assistant is way to go. Then you can have everything at hand: expenses, incomes and balance.


Forget all these sticky notes and reminders on papers. You don’t have to remember, when next car inspection is about to happen. Leave it up to Moto assistant.

Doesn’t matter what it is – oil exchange, warranty check, first-aid kit…
Your vehicle, your decision.

Also try to look, if someone else didn’t make maintenance tamplate for your type of car. Then you can simply import it and use it.

Log book

If you want to know for example how much time you spent on roads, try to keep your log in Moto assistant. Than you can see lot of stats and compare various data.

If you don’t want to keep log book, nevermind. There’s no need. It’s only up to you.

And keep in mind, as always there is possibility to export trips to Excel. It can even be grouped by year and month. See picture below.

Contacts management

You can also keep contacts, commpanies and drivers in app, so you can use it for better clarity (who refueled, who drove this car on that day, to whom the trip was taken etc.).

Of course, you can use this data also for searching and/or filtering.

Attached documents

Do you need keep copies (scans) of bills? No problem. Moto assistant allows storing up to 3 documents to every refueling record. Later on, you can take a look on every attached document, you can even save them to your disc.

And finally, you can also save up to 3 documents to every vehicle (technical certificate etc.).

Archivation in practice.

Searching and filters everywhere

You should never get lost in your data. That’s why there’s searching and filtering literally everywhere.

Would you like listview or treeview?

Sometimes it’s better to view data as list, and on the other day it’s useful to view data as tree. Here you can use both attitudes. It’s only up to you.

Have somebody mentioned consistency?

Moto assistant checks every important data you enter and tries to prevent flaws and keep data consistent. So you don’t have to stress about making any mistake or misspell.

Try it and see it for yourself.

Changeable appearance (styles)

Different day, different mood. No problem, with more than 10 styles choose your favourite one and change appliction look and feel in a second.

Price? For free

There’s no catch, there are no limitations.

Moto assistant is freeware for almost 12 years.

Yes, there are some additional functions, which are available in Moto assistant PLUS, but basic app is fuly functional without them. With no limitations.

The only thing you really have to do – if you want, is download, install and use the app.

Moto assistant PLUS

What is Moto assistant PLUS?

It is still Moto assistant. The only difference is that it has some additional (bonus) functions. These bonus functions should make app more valuable and make your life easier.

Why? Because developer of this app is only a human and gives this app lot of time and effort.

Advantages of Moto assistant PLUS

  • treeviews (refueling/trips/expenses/incomes)
    • refueling/trips grouped by year and month
    • expenses/incomes grouped by category
  • grouped log book export to Excel
    • trips grouped by year and month
  • export to PDF
  • customizable PDF export
    • customized by template, which defines exported data
  • customizable print
    • customized by template, which defines printed data
  • drivers and vehicles comparison
    • compare different vehicles/drivers data (např. compare all vehicles consumption, compare time of all drivers spent on trips etc.)
  • styles (change of app appearance)
    • quick and easy change of apperance
  • automatic updates
    • Moto assistant automatically downloads and installs only needed parts of application
    • you don’t have to manually check for new versions
    • you don’t have to downlod whole setup file and install it every time an update is available
  • and number of benefits will grow

You can get Moto assistant PLUS here: Moto assistant PLUS.